The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ST. LUCY Eye problems, repelling legal problems, settling
court cases, protection from hexes, help when your back
is against the wall. Patroness of salespeople and writers.

ST. LUKE Patron of painters, physicians, or surgeons.


ST. MARTHA Domestic problems, money troubles, keeping a
lover or husband faithful, bringing in a new love, and
conquering enemies. Patroness of housekeepers and

ST. MARTIN DE PORRES Financial needs, health, and harmony.
Patron of the poor and animals.

ST. MARTIN OF TOURS Repelling evil, protection from
enemies; money, lucky, and a successful business.

ST. MARY MAGDALENE Patroness of repentant prostitutes,
perfumers, and hair stylists.

ST. MATTHEW Patron of bankers, bookkeepers, customs
agents, security guards, and tax collectors.

ST. MICHAEL Total protection.

ST. NICHOLAS OF MYRA Patron of dock workers, children,

brides, merchants, unmarried women, and travelers.

ST. PATRICK Prosperity, good luck, spiritual wisdom,

guidance, and protection against snakebite.

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