The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Improving the memory and passing
school exams. Patrons of scholars and students.

ST. VITUS Exorcism of evil spirits and curing epilepsy.
Patron of comedians and dancers.

VIRGIN MARY The mother of Christ. Love, kindness,
protection, and intercession for any need.

Building Special Altars

The object of any altar is for it to symbolize what you
want to attract into your life. Your altar should be
pleasing to you, not necessarily to anyone else. To make
your altar more powerful, concentrate on your objective
while arranging the objects on it, then visit the altar
frequently. The following examples are only suggestions
to give you ideas for your own creations. See this page
for more information on the meaning of objects and
An altar need not be anything fancy. It can be a small
table, a shelf in the kitchen or bathroom, or some other
available space. In fact, you may decide to prepare
different altars for different rooms. If you use candles on
your altars, be certain that they can burn without
creating a fire hazard. Do not burn candles under
another shelf, near curtains or hanging fabrics, and
always put candles in a nonflammable, unbreakable

The deities listed do not include all the appropriate
deities or saints who can help with the problem for
which you are building your altar. You may not wish to
include any deity statue, or you may wish to have
several. The choice is yours.

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