The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Suggested arrangement: Place the cat statue next to a
small basket with a red heart inside. The colors may be
used in an altar cloth and/or the candles. You may wish
to write out on a piece of paper the characteristics you
value in a love relationship, then put the paper into the
basket with the heart. Sprinkle ginger lightly over the
items in the basket, or place a piece of mistletoe in with
the heart. Arrange the stones near the statue, with the
incense nearby. Use a small vase for the red carnation.


Your first prosperity altar may be for short-term
financial relief. However, you also need to concentrate
on long-term prosperity. To achieve this, you need to
work for good opportunities to come your way, ones
that will help you achieve what you desire. Nothing
comes free, so do not expect to win a huge lottery.

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of a pig

or dragon; symbols of a box and a cauldron; the colors
brown, green, or gold; the stones turquoise, moss agate,
or tiger's eye; the tree fig; the herb ginger; the oil and
incense patchouli; the flower hollyhock or jasmine.

Examples of deities: Fortuna, Freyr, Raphael, St.

Suggested arrangement: Place the cauldron in the

center of your altar space and place inside it the stones
and a little of the herb. The box can hold a list of the
reasons you want to increase your prosperity. By making
this list, you convince your subconscious mind that you
have a need and the right to ask for the opportunities to
increase your wealth. The colors may be used in altar
clothes and/or candles. Hollyhock blossoms can be
floated in a shallow bowl and jasmine placed in an
elegant vase.

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