The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Protection altars can be built for protection against
specific dangers or simply to protect against negative
thoughts coming from jealous or hateful people. If your
altar is for protection from a specific, threatening
person, such as an ex-spouse, ex-lover, or harmful family
member, try to place a photo of the offending person
under the deity or animal statue that symbolizes divine
wisdom and the power to overcome the threat.

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of a

tiger or wolf; symbols of a ring or circle; the colors black
and indigo; the stones amber, carnelian, and black
obsidian; the tree holly; the herb basil or bay; the oil
and incense lavender; the flower peony.

Examples of deities: Heimdall, Thor, Guardian Angel
St. Michael, St. Christopher.

Suggested arrangement: Place the statue in the center
of the altar so that the animal figure has a prominent
place. Around it, position the stones, keys, and either a
ring or a drawing of a circle. Holly twigs and the herb
may be placed at both ends to produce protective
energies. Place the incense, candle, and flowers to make
an eye-pleasing arrangement.


Thanksgiving altars can be built for a number of reasons:
recovery from an illness, finding a wonderful friend or
lover, success in obtaining a good job or home, escape
from a potential danger, and so on.

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of a

unicorn or blackbird; symbols of a shell or the yin/yang
symbol; the color white; the stones clear quartz crystal

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