The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

and courage you need if you meditate before it once a

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of an

elephant, eagle, or bee; symbols of an ear of corn or an
eye; the colors gold, red, and yellow; the stones fluorite
and pyrite; the tree apple; the herb sage or catnip; the
incense clove; the flower aster or chrysanthemum.

Examples of deities: Horus, Ganesha, Ratziel, St.
Sebastian. In the Far East, the elephant with an upraised
trunk symbolizes good fortune; in India, the elephant-
god Ganesha is said to remove obstacles. Therefore an
elephant of any kind is symbolic of moving ahead in life
by making the right decision.

Suggested arrangement: Surround your animal statue
with the stones, and place the vase of flowers nearby. An
apple can represent the apple tree. Place it together with
the ear of corn to symbolize abundance. Sprinkle the
herbs before the animal statue, and use the colors in

Recovering from Divorce

Most divorces do not end amicably. They tend to sour
with bitterness, recrimination, and sometimes threats by
one or both parties. The parties involved forget the old
saying: the best revenge is to live a good life. You need
to move beyond all these negatives and let go of the past
in order to accept the future. Never put a photo of the
divorced partner on your altar, only your own photo.
This altar is for your healing from the divorce. Choose a
photo where you are smiling and happy, a symbol of
what you will have in the future.

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of a

badger or bear; symbols of a mask, knots, door, scepter

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