The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

before this altar so much. The pain never completely
goes away, but you will learn how to handle it better.

Dedication to God/Goddess/Saint

Some people find they can move through life with more
ease if they have one special altar dedicated to a deity or
saint of their choice. This altar is one that you should
visit daily for help with your everyday life. Commune
with the deity or saint through meditation and prayer.

Examples of altar objects: Statues or pictures of your
chosen deity or saint; the colors, white, gold, and silver;
the stones clear quartz crystal, black obsidian, amethyst,
lapis lazuli, malachite, and rose quartz; the flowers
sunflower or red and white roses; the oil and incense

Examples of deities: Use any deity that you choose.
Suggested arrangement: Place the deity or saint statue
in the center of the altar as the prominent object.
Arrange the stones, candles, and flowers about this
statue in whatever way seems best to you. Requests
written on paper can also be placed on the altar.

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