The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

person's life is in a negative cycle because of lack of
money or health or even love, there is no way that
person can concentrate on being spiritual. When you are
content with your physical life, you are more open to
expanding your spiritual life. Above all things, magick is

However, it is wrong to use magick to willfully harm
or control others or take something that belongs to
another person. Many people are surprised to learn that
there are ethics in the use of magick. Magicians know
that negative actions build negative karma. No matter
what excuse one uses for such behavior, the result is
always the same: If you use negative magick, you have
to pay for what you do. No bad deed goes unpunished,
even if it takes some time for that punishment to fall
upon the perpetrator.

Candle Magick

This is true even of the little magick of candle burning.
Think very carefully about your desire before you burn
candles to get it. Never take one person away from
another, or try to make someone love you or give you
money. By naming a specific person in a spell, you are
limiting your chances of success. Use candle magick to
attract the perfect loving person for you or to bring you
positive opportunities to get the money you need. You
must never interfere with the free will of another

Neither should you do spellwork to harm physically or
materially destroy someone. There are other, safer
methods of bringing justice down upon evil people. For
example, use your candle magick so that the law will
catch and convict rapists, abusers, and murderers. Burn

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