The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ADAM AND EVE OR IMAGE CANDLES These candles are made in
nude male and female forms, as well as a variety of
colors. The figures are primarily used in spells for love
and/or relationships. They are usually burned to bring
love into your life. However, they can also be used to
draw back a wayward lover, send away an undesirable
lover, or banish an illness. Although mentioned in old
Scottish records, wax images have been used as far back
as ancient Egypt and Babylon.

ALTAR, JUMBO, OR PILLAR CANDLES These are tall, thick candles
that come in various colors, usually red, white, or black.
They are used as altar or deity candles since they burn
too slowly to use in any other capacity. Although white
is the most popular color, you may use any color that
symbolizes the deities or powers with which you want to
communicate. You need these candles to burn longer
than the other candles, as they are lit first and
extinguished last. There can be two altar candles on the
altar, one on each side, or just one in the center. Some
people use a seven-day candle in a glass container with a
particular saint painted on the glass. Frequently, altar
candles are one white and one black candle. It is not safe
to leave pillar candles burning unattended, as the melted
wax, which gathers in the center, can collapse one side
of the candle and possibly start a fire.

ASTRAL OR ZODIAC CANDLES These colored candles represent
you and any other persons included in the spell. You
may use colors from the list on this page, or choose
colors that seem right to you.

CAT CANDLES This candle in the figure of a seated cat is
used according to the color. Black will banish bad luck,
break jinxes or hexes, and bring in good luck. Red helps
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