The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

with love. Green is used to get money or to heal,
especially pets. The cat candle in black is the most
popular and is often called the black cat candle.

CROSS OR CRUCIFIX CANDLES Primarily used for protection and
banishing, this type of candle can be burned as an
offering to a deity, saint, or Loa. This candle will often
have a rose at the crosspieces or a prayer written on it.

DEVOTIONAL CANDLES These come in a heat-resistant glass
container, usually with pictures of saints or Loas on the
glass. A type of novena candle, they are burned when
asking a petition from the deities.


wax, these are used for dual purpose or reversing spells;
only the lower half of a candle is dipped into another
color of wax. For example, a green candle with the
lower half dipped in black is for bringing in prosperity
and repelling negativity and bad luck. Red dipped in
black defeats the influence of anyone who is destroying
your marriage or a relationship. White with black
reverses all spells against you. Sometimes you can find
Triple-Action candles, or candles dipped into three
different colors of wax.

MEMORIAL CANDLES These are usually the very largest of the
votive candles that come in a glass. Ordinarily they are
lit at midnight or sunrise to honor a birthday or
anniversary or to remember a deceased loved one.

MUMMY CANDLES This is a candle made in the form of a
mummy figure in a coffin. It is used to ward off illness,
death, or any dangerous situation. The skull candle
works in much the same manner.

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