The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Timing by the Moon and Days

To ensure the greatest probability of success for your
candle rituals, you should time them to correspond with
certain phases of the moon and do them on specific days
of the week. To help you determine the correct dates for
all the moon's phases, buy a good astrological calendar
that gives accurate moon measurements.

Moon Phases

The full moon is when the moon is completely lit, big
and round. When the moon is growing in size, it is
referred to as the waxing moon. The waxing moon cycle
runs from the day after the new moon until the day of
the full moon. The day and night of the full moon is the
strongest part of this cycle. This is the time to do
spell work for beginning new projects, prosperity,
growth, love, success, harmony, peace, and all positive
energy projects. Basically, the waxing moon is for
increase, growth, building, and gain.

The new moon is when no light is seen from the moon
at all; it is completely dark. When the moon is
decreasing in size, it is referred to as the waning moon.
The waning moon cycle runs from the day after the full
moon until the day of the next new moon. The day and
night of the new moon is the strongest of this cycle. This
is the time for dissolving any negatives, protection,
neutralizing hostile situations, removing bad habits, and
terminating unhealthy relationships or situations. The
waning moon is for decrease, destruction, banishing,
binding, and removal.

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