The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

top of the enclosed candle. Set it in the center of your
altar. Arrange the orange candles around the central
green candle. Place the malachite on one side of the
central candle, the bloodstone on the other. Light the
central green candle, then the orange ones. Say the
chant. Leave the candles to burn out completely. Dispose
of the wax afterward. If you wish, you may burn four
new orange candles each day until the seven-day green
candle is gone.

CHANT Worries gone, finances clear,
Security comes for one full year.
I wrap myself in prosperity.
As I will, so shall it be.

Influence Someone to Repay a Debt

CANDLES A green (material gain) seven-knob candle or
seven green straights or votives and four yellow (gentle
persuasion) straight or votive candles.

OIL Jasmine.
HERBS Clove.
INCENSE Ginger, jasmine, or allspice.
STONES Hematite and tiger's eye.
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