The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Saturday.
ADVICE Be certain the debt is actually owed to you
before doing this spell. If you think someone owes you a
debt, but it is not true, you will find yourself being
forced to pay back any debts you owe. This spell also
works for people who borrow things and don't bother to
return them.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Inscribe the name of the person who owes you the debt
on the seven-knob green candle. Anoint the candles from
the wick to the end. Set the green candle in the center of
your altar. Set the yellow candles around the green one,
with the stones inside this circle. Light the green candle
first, then the others. Say the chant seven times. Leave
the yellow candles to burn out completely. Dispose of
the wax afterward. Burn only one knob of the green
candle each night. If you wish, you may burn new
yellow candles each night until the seven-knob candle is

CHANT What was given in trust shall be freely returned.
What was mine shall be mine again.
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