The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

your altar. Put the black onyx behind the orange candle
and the turquoise in front of it. With the yellow candle,
place the chrysoprase behind and the amethyst in front
of it. Light the candles. Say the chant. Meditate on the
particular reason you need creativity. Leave the candles
to burn out completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.

CHANT The universe is filled with endless ideas of
I attract them to me like a magnet.
My mind and dreams are open to these ideas.
They flow in like a stream of clear water.

General Life Path

Overcome a Bad Habit

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one black (remove anything negative), one light
blue (good health, happiness, inner peace), and one
orange (sudden changes, success).

OIL Cedar or peppermint.
HERBS Basil or bay laurel.
INCENSE Dragon's blood, peppermint, or cedar.
STONES Jade, rhodonite, or topaz.
OTHER SUPPLIES Small nail; small piece of paper.
TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
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