The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
INCENSE Patchouli or vervain.
STONES Sodalite and chalcedony.
OTHER SUPPLIES Seven new straight pins; placket with

photo of divorcing couple.

TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Tuesday.
ADVICE It is extremely unusual for a divorce to end
amicably. Somewhere during the process, animosities
inevitably seem to arise. Try to be as fair as possible,
leaving aside thoughts of revenge, even though you may
feel you have just cause. You should aim instead for a
fair, swift, and peaceful separation. Only then can your
life come back into balance and open up new
opportunities for you.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the top of the seven-day candle and put it in the
center of your altar. Anoint the black candles from the
end to the wick; the others from the wick to the end.
Place the placket containing a photo, if possible, or at
least a paper with both names on it before the seven-day
candle. Lay the chalcedony and sodalite on top of the
placket. Make a circle of the black candles around the
placket and seven-day candle. Carefully push a straight
pin in each indigo candle about halfway down. Then
arrange the indigo candles around the black candles in
another circle on the outside of the black ones. Light the
seven-day candle first, then the black candles, and
finally the indigo ones. Say the chant. Leave the seven-
day candle burning at all times, but extinguish the other
candles after an hour. Relight them each day at the same
time and again say the chant.

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