The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one gold (good fortune, understanding), one red
(physical desire, good health), and one white (sincerity,

OIL Rose.
HERBS Rose petals.
INCENSE Frankincense or myrrh.
STONES Aquamarine and sard.
OTHER SUPPLIES A photo of the couple, or some symbol
important to them.
TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Friday.
ADVICE This candle ceremony can be performed as a
private affair for the couple or can be done during a
gathering of sympathetic and understanding friends and
family. Every anniversary of a relationship that survives
the constant ups and downs of life is reason for
SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense. Put a
symbol of the marriage in front of the deity image on
your altar. This symbol can be a photo of the couple, a
spiritual wedding gift that has special meaning to them,
saved flowers or cake from the wedding itself, or simply
a nice card with their names carefully done in
calligraphy. Place the aquamarine to the left of this
symbol and the sard to the right. Anoint the candles
from the wick to the end. Arrange the candles in a
straight line before this, gold on the left, red in the
center, and white on the right. Light the candles from
left to right. Say the chant. Leave the candles to burn
out completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.

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