The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

INCENSE Frankincense or myrrh.
STONES Amethyst, clear quartz crystal, and iolite.
OTHER SUPPLIES Small metal cauldron; small piece of

TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Sunday.
ADVICE Giving thanks for little things, as well as big
ones, helps one to grow spiritually and have a better
insight into life in general. This ritual can be worked
once a month or whenever an important event occurs. It
is especially nice to do after having a successful candle
ritual manifestation.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Write on the paper exactly what you are thankful for.
Set the cauldron with the paper inside it in the center of
your altar. Place the amethyst, clear quartz crystal, and
iolite around the cauldron. Anoint the candles from the
wick to the end. The white candles go behind and in
front of the cauldron, while the blue candle is set on the
left side and the pink on the right. Light the candles. Say
the chant. Leave the candles to burn out completely.
Dispose of the wax and ashes afterward.

CHANT I give thanks to the Goddess (God)
For the blessings showered upon me.
I ask for continued blessings.
So it is. So shall it be.
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