The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

again, visualizing the sickness leaving the person's body
and being burned to nothing in the brilliant white light.
This time leave all the candles to burn out. Dispose of
the wax.

You can repeat this spell twice more for a count of
nine days. If you do this, always start each spell-cycle of
three days with a fresh figure candle.

CHANT Healing comes from the Light.
You are filled with Light.
Healing comes from Universal Love.
You are filled with Universal Love.
All shadow of disease disappears under the Light.
You are healed and whole again.

General Healing 2

CANDLES Straight or votive candles of the colors of: one
gold (healing, happiness), one green (renewal, balance),
one pink (spiritual awakening, healing), one purple
(drive away evil, healing), one red (energy, courage,
good health), one silver (neutralize a situation, remove
negatives), one yellow (confidence, healing), and one
white (wholeness, balance the aura).

OIL Clove or gardenia.
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