The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Light the skull candle first, then the astrological
candle. While concentrating on the sick person, say the
chant. Leave the candles burning. The skull candle will
burn longer than the astrological candle, so you must
have others ready. Just before the astrological candle
burns out, light another astrological candle. An
astrological candle must be burning at all times until the
skull candle is completely burned out.

Each day move the candles one inch farther apart
until the skull candle is burned out or they reach the
farthest points on the altar. Each time you move the
candles, repeat the chant. If the candles are still burning
after you have moved them as far as you can, leave
them there until the skull candle is out. Dispose of all
the wax.

If, at the end of this process, the skull candle has
burned out only the inside, leaving an outer shell, the
threat remains. You will have to repeat the candle spell.

CHANT Be gone, you darkened specter.
Be gone, all illness and fear.
Healing and Light only may come.
This I declare, for one full year.


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