The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
CHANT No one can come between us.
The troublemakers receive back their own words and
We walk only in the Light.

Heal an Unhappy Marriage or Relationship

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: two green (good fortune, balance, marriage), two
gold (happiness), and two pink (true love, honor).

OIL Rose.
HERBS Rose petals or yarrow.
INCENSE Apple blossom, allspice, or sandalwood.
STONES Agate, amethyst, and lapis lazuli.
TIMING On the full moon or the waxing moon cycle.
DAY Friday.
ADVICE Healing an unhappy relationship may come in
many forms. It may mean that all differences are
resolved, or one partner must continue to endure the
situation because the other will not change. Or, it may

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