The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

mean that separation is the only healing that can come
to a troubled partnership.
SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Using a nail, inscribe each of the green candles with
initials of one member of the couple. Anoint all the
candles from the wick to the end. Set them side by side
in the center of your altar. Behind them, place one gold
candle, with the stones in a vertical line behind the gold
candle. Place the other gold candle before the green
candles. One pink candle is set on the right, and the
other on the left. Light the green candles first, then the
other candles. Say the chant. Leave the candles to burn
out completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.
CHANT All that was broken is mended.
All that was wrong is made right.
All darkness and hurt are banished.
All that remains is the Light.

Win the Love of a Man

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one red male figure candle (physical desire,
love), two gold (happiness, fast luck), and two white
(sincerity, spirituality).
OIL Vanilla.
HERBS Catnip or ginger.
INCENSE Vanilla or ylang-ylang.

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