The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Stop Slander and Gossip

CANDLES A black and white double-action candle, plus
straight or votive candles in the following colors: one
black (remove negative energies) and one indigo (stop
gossip and lies).

OIL Juniper or lilac.
HERBS Clove or marjoram.
INCENSE Cypress or pine.
STONES Aquamarine, hematite, and agate.
OTHER SUPPLIES A small nail; piece of shiny foil.
TIMING During a waning moon.
DAY Tuesday.
ADVICE Although this spell will stop gossip, you must
remain alert that by your actions and words you do not
set up another situation that will bring more gossip your
way. Also, do not gossip yourself.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense. With
the nail, carve an eye inside a triangle on the white part
of the candle. Anoint the black candle from the end to
the wick; the others from the wick to the end. Then stick
the nail into the double-action candle right where the
black wax starts. Place the candle on shiny foil and light

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