The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ADVICE The only time this break-up spell is justified is
when a loved one is being hurt by the person with
whom he/she has a relationship. This can be a daughter
who is involved with an abuser, alcoholic, or drug
addict, or a family member who is blind to one who is
conning him/her out of his/her money and possessions.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Using a nail, carve the initials of the enthralled person
into the separation candle. Anoint the candles from the
wick to the end. Place the separation candle in the
center of your altar, with the purple candle on the left
and the white candle on the right, with an orange candle
behind and in front. Put the chalcedony behind the
separation candle with the malachite on the right and
the tourmaline on the left. Light the separation candle
first, then the other candles. Say the chant slowly three
times. Leave the candles to burn out completely. Dispose
of the wax afterward.

CHANT All that was joined is now severed.
All that was wrong is now right.
All that was shadowed is brightness.
The truth is revealed by the Light.

Release from Psychic Attack or III-Wishing
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