The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CANDLES A purple (drive away evil, spiritual protection)
seven-knob candle (or seven purple straight or votive
candles), plus seven each of the colors black (absorb and
remove negative energies), indigo (neutralize the magick
of others), and white (spiritual protection).
OIL Patchouli or frankincense.
HERBS Patchouli.
INCENSE Cedar or myrrh.
STONES Smoky quartz, turquoise, and black obsidian.
TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Saturday.
ADVICE Psychic attack is usually perpetrated knowingly
by people, while ill-wishing is the continual repeating of
negative statements to you or about you. Both can cause
all kinds of problems. These energies should be returned
to their senders.
SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Carve your initials into the purple seven-knob candle
with a nail, anoint it from the wick to the end, and set it
in the center of your altar. Anoint the black candle from
the end to the wick; the others from the wick to the end.
Place the black candle and the black obsidian behind the
seven-knob candle. Set the white candle and the clear
quartz crystal on the right side, and the indigo candle
and the turquoise on the left. Light the seven-knob
candle, then the other candles. Say the chant seven
times. Burn only one knob of the purple candle each
night. Leave the other candles to burn out completely.
Use fresh black, indigo, and white candles each night.
Dispose of the wax afterward.

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