The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
CHANT All evil returns to the maker and source.
The rebound hits with a tenfold force.
My enemies have no power o'er me.
As I will, so shall it be!

Remove Negative Vibrations or Spirits from a Home

CANDLES A purple (drive away evil, spiritual protection)
seven-knob candle (or seven purple straight or votive
candles), plus seven each of the colors black (absorb and
remove negative energies), royal blue (happiness, calling
upon occult power), and magenta (fast action,

OIL Vetiver or yarrow.
HERBS Vervain or patchouli.
INCENSE Frankincense, myrrh, or patchouli.
STONES Agate, clear quartz crystal, and bloodstone.
OTHER SUPPLIES Holy water. Bless water yourself in full
moonlight by asking Goddess/God to make it pure, or
see if you can obtain it from any Catholic Church.

TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Saturday or Tuesday.
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