The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ADVICE Negative vibrations or a spirit may already
occupy a house or apartment when you move in,
especially if a previous occupant was troubled in spirit
or led a negative lifestyle. These forces can range from
mildly irritating to outright disruptive and dangerous. It
is a good idea to cleanse any new place of residence, or
recleanse your present dwelling place on a monthly
basis. On rare occasions, an earthbound, dangerous
spirit will require an expert to remove it.
SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the black candle from the end to the wick; the
others from the wick to the end. Place the seven-knob
candle in the center of your altar. Set the black candle
and the bloodstone behind the seven-knob candle, with
the magenta candle and agate on the right side, and the
royal blue candle and clear quartz crystal on the left.
Light the seven-knob candle first, then the others. Say
the chant nine times. Take the bottle of holy water and
sprinkle each corner of every room in the house or
apartment, ending up at the front door. Open the door
and order the spirit or vibrations to leave at once. Then
close the door and sprinkle it also. Burn only one knob
of the central candle each night. Leave the other candles
on the altar to burn out completely, replacing them with
fresh candles each night. Dispose of the wax afterward.
CHANT This is a place of Light and Love.
No darkness or evil can remain here.
By the power of the Goddess (God),
I order all darkness to leave at once!
Out with the darkness! In with the Light!

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