The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Stone to stone, forever one.
So say I. This spell is done.

Uncross a Person

CANDLES A black seven-knob candle (or seven black
straight or votive candles), plus seven each of royal blue
(occult power), magenta (exorcism, fast action), purple
(drive away evil, remove hexes), and silver (neutralize
negative powers).

OIL Cedar or patchouli.
HERBS Dragon's blood or wormwood.
INCENSE Cedar, myrrh, or patchouli.
STONES Holey stone, mica, clear quartz crystal, black

obsidian, black onyx, and sard.

OTHER SUPPLIES Placket with photo; holy water. To make
or obtain holy water, see the "Remove Negative
Vibrations from a Person" spell.

TIMING On the new moon or the waning moon cycle.
DAY Saturday.
ADVICE Active hexing or putting a magickal curse on a

person is vastly different from ill-wishing someone.

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