The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Hexing is a willful act, requiring thought and
determination. This can have devastating effects on the
life of the person hexed, such as loss of job and money, a
turn of ill health, trouble in relationships, and any
number of other negative occurrences. To remove a hex,
it requires seven nights (preferably at midnight) and
deep concentration and determination on the part of the
hexed person and the person helping.

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the black candle from the end to the wick, the
others from the wick to the end. Place the placket
containing the photo of the hexed person in the center
of your altar. In front of it set the black seven-knob
candle with the black obsidian on the left and the black
onyx on the right. Put the purple candle behind the
placket, and the silver one in front of the black seven-
knob candle. Set the royal blue candle to the left of the
seven-knob candle with the magenta one to the right.
Place the remaining stones, one beside each of these last
candles. Light the seven-knob candle first, then the other
candles. Say the chant as you sprinkle the hexed person
with holy water. Each night burn only one knob of the
black candle. Leave the other candles to burn out
completely, replacing them with fresh candles each
night. Dispose of the wax afterward.

CHANT Power of the Light, come to my call!
Release (name) from bondage of this curse.
Return it tenfold to the sender.
Fill (name) with the holy power of Light!
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