The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

ask for some knowledgeable, striving teacher who can
help you with everyday problems. Commonsense,
grassroots wisdom can beat out an over-puffed ego every

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense. Set
the mirror upright in the center of your altar. Anoint all
the candles from the wick to the end. Set the purple
candle with the sugilite behind it behind the mirror.
Place the white candle with the lapis lazuli outside to
the right, and the royal blue one with the tourmaline
outside to the left. To finish, put the moonstone by the
left corner of the mirror and the agate by the right
corner. Light the candles and look into the mirror as you
say the chant. Watch for subtle changes in your
appearance or flickers of movement in the mirror. These
are signs that a teacher or teachers are present. Leave
the candles to burn out completely. Dispose of the wax

CHANT I knock upon the spiritual door
In search of guidance, knowledge, more.
I seek to know who walks with me.
This I will do. So shall it be.
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