The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

SPELLWORK Light the altar candles and the incense.
Anoint the candles from the wick to the end. Place the
bag to the center back of your altar with the amethyst
behind it. Arrange the remaining candles in a straight
horizontal line in front of the bag with the stones in
front of them: the light blue candle and agate on the left,
the brown candle and clear quartz crystal in the middle,
and the pink candle and jade on the right. Say the chant.
Place the stones in the little bag and sleep with it under
your pillow each night. Leave the candles to burn out
completely. Dispose of the wax afterward.
CHANT Dreams of mystery, dreams of light,
Come to me softly, sweetly, tonight.
Give to me guidance to help find my way
Through the problems of life that surface each day.

Strengthen Your Psychic Shield

CANDLES Straight or votive candles in the following
colors: one black (absorbs and removes negatives,
creates confusion in enemies), two purple (drive away
evil, spiritual protection), two white (purity, truth,
wholeness), and two silver (develop psychic abilities,
remove negative powers).
OIL Yarrow, sage, or lotus.
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