The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

date, or two coins of the same denomination and a third
of a different denomination. Place them on a table in a
triangular pattern with about a hand's length between
all the coins. Now ask the pendulum to show which
coins are the same. The pendulum will swing between
the two identical coins.

Three Coins Exercise

Since working with a pendulum enhances your
psychic senses, you should use the pendulum only for
serious reasons, such as for the wellbeing of other
people and yourself, or genuinely to seek knowledge and
truth in a situation. Never use a pendulum to show off
or because you want others to think you are wonderful
and talented. Life has a way of deflating one's ego in
crushing and often embarrassing events.

When a pendulum ceases to be a curiosity or a toy,
you can use it as a valuable tool in your everyday life.
You can test the quality of water or food, search out the
basis for an allergy or illness, discover the right car for
you before purchasing a vehicle, and locate lost objects
or people. It can even lead you to diagnose elusive
problems in car engines or other mechanical devices,

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