The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

locate the studs in a house wall, and trace underground
pipes of various kinds.

You can use a pendulum to answer any question as
long as the answer can be Yes or No. You can test foods,
vitamins, herbs, or medicines to see if they will be good
for you. To do this, hold a sample of the material being
tested in one hand while you operate the pendulum with
the other (see this page). However, never second-guess a
prescribed medication. Always discuss such questions
with your doctor.

After working with a pendulum for a period of time,
you will notice that it frequently works better on some
days than others. Do not be discouraged by this. The
pendulum is reacting to your physical and emotional
energy levels. These energy levels fluctuate during each
day and from day to day. If the pendulum persists in not
operating properly after several tries during a day, put it
away until another time. Also check to see if you are too
tense, as this will interfere with your success. It is never
wise to practice more than fifteen minutes on any day.
The percentage of people who absolutely cannot operate
a pendulum is low, less than 1 percent.

You can only learn to use a pendulum by practicing
with it regularly. As with any divination tool, it takes a
lot of practice to become proficient and reliable with the
pendulum. However, pendulum divining is the easiest
and fastest of all divining methods to learn.

Stones for Pendulums

The following list includes only those stones that are not
too costly and that one may find carved into pendulum
shapes. Sometimes you can find an appropriately shaped
stone for a pendulum that was made to wear as a

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