The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

the smallest of decisions, and the future path of the
event or question changes.
These possibilities are covered by the law of free will,
something for which we should be thankful. I do not
believe that our lives are predestined, with no
opportunities to forge our own futures through personal
decisions. There is always free will, which is a powerful
force for change and diverting the life path. If you
receive a divination prediction that you consider
negative or not to your liking, you can change the
course of your life and reactions to events, thus creating
changes in the outcome itself. Granted, the outcome still
may not be what you want, but it will be different than
the divination predicted. Continued and numerous
changes in the life path are required in order to create
major changes in the outcome.

Be very careful, however, that you are not trying to
control another person in any way when you set your
goals or try to change a divination outcome. No one has
a right to control another person or her/his future.
Think how you would feel if someone did this to you
against your wishes.

Pendulum Exercises

To prepare yourself for using the pendulum as a
prediction tool, you must work long and hard to acquire
the necessary skills and experience. A pendulum will
react to your thoughts and instructions much faster the
more you use it. Its movements will also become
stronger. However, no one is infallible, so never assume
that you won't ever make mistakes.

You are most apt to run into trouble predicting with a
pendulum if you are asking questions for yourself or

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