The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
DEER, HIND, DOE A messenger from the Otherworld, the
appearance of the deer traditionally signaled a guide for
adventures of mystical value. This creature also
represented contact with spirit guides and the gods;
abundance, dreams, intuition, and psychic powers.

DOG, HOUND Devotion, companionship, loyalty, willingness
to follow through, alertness, and discovering hidden
knowledge and the truth. Sacred to Underworld
goddesses, dogs also represented our own subconscious
judgment. Myth says that the Celtic god Nodens, a
healer, could shapeshift into a dog. The Norse god Odin
rode on his Wild Hunt with a pack of hounds, carrying
out the wishes of the goddess Hel.

DOLPHIN, PORPOISE Intelligence, communication, friendships,
eloquence, freedom, speed, prudence, change, balance,
and harmony. Sacred to the Greek goddess Themis, this
creature also symbolized active seedforms within the
sea-womb of creation.

DOVE, PIGEON Often the symbol of a spiritual messenger
between worlds, in the past this bird also represented
peace and love, a meaning it still holds today. It was
sacred to Aphrodite, Astarte, and Venus.

DRAGON This fabulous creature is a universal symbolic
figure found in most cultures around the world, and has
several, sometimes contradictory, meanings. The dragon
represents cunning, knowledge, riches, protection, the
ability to rise above and conquer obstacles, and
instruction in spiritual matters.
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