The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Sometimes the areas of this chart are not specific
enough for your needs. The fan chart below is divided to
better clarify life areas. It is divided into seven parts or
segments, labeled career, finances, love, health, mental,
family, and spiritual. Hold the pendulum over the point
where all the lines come together at the bottom. Ask the
question, "Which part of my life needs work?" Again,
seriously consider the answer the pendulum gives you.
In creating the best future for yourself, you cannot
afford to overlook even the smallest hints.

Life Areas Chart

If you dread getting an answer about one area of your
life, your emotions will interfere with an accurate
pendulum reading. Separation of personal emotions
from your pendulum work is the only way to reach the
truth. The area you most dread to hear about may be the
very one the pendulum will help you in solving.
Remember not to think of the answer you want or even
an answer you dread. Keep as much of a neutral
emotional state as possible by concentrating on "I
wonder what the answer will be."

You now have all of the basics of pendulum divining
that are necessary to divine the future for yourself or
anyone else. Please use these methods with integrity,

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