The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

For example, you find that the pendulum indicates
that the second chakra of the person you are testing has
something wrong. The pendulum is swinging in a
counterclockwise or side-to-side direction, indicating a
No. You ask if the problem is in the reproductive system.
The pendulum says No. You proceed down the list of
possible diseases, asking about the sex organs, the
kidneys, and digestion, receiving a No each time. When
you ask about the urinary track, the pendulum says Yes.

You now place the orange square over the appropriate
area of the second chakra, then hold the pendulum
about 6 inches above the square. The pendulum will
swing in a clockwise direction until it has fed in as much
chakra energy as it can. Although this procedure will
help the patient with the disease, you should instruct the
person to see her/his physician as soon as possible for a
checkup. Do not diagnose or prescribe treatments. A
urinary track problem can range from an infection to
kidney stones.

Frequently, a health problem associated with a chakra
is more difficult to pinpoint, or does not seem to be
entirely related to a specific chakra. The pendulum user
then must go beyond diagnosis through the chakras, and
use the pendulum over the entire body in a slightly
different manner. In this case, the pendulum will
respond with a clockwise or forward and backward
motion (a Yes) for good health and a counterclockwise
or side-to-side motion (a No) for ill health, damage, or

Healing with Pendulums

When determining what part of a human body is in need
of treatment, have the patient lie on her/his back while
you slowly move the pendulum about 6 inches above the

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