The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Observed what the pendulum now does. You will get
two entirely different readings from your pendulum.

A pendulum will not only tell you what part of the
body is ill, it also can help you determine the cause
behind the bodily sickness. The whole person consists of
four bodies: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
An imbalance in any one of these bodies will affect the
other three, and open the immune system to the
possibility of disease. It is very rare that all four of these
bodies are in perfect alignment at any one time. It is
considered to be average if two out of the four bodies
are in balance.

The chart for physical cause of a disease (see below)
will help the diviner in pinpointing any specific physical
source that is detrimental to the inquirer. If nothing is
pertinent on this chart, or you suspect that there may be
more than one cause, try the chart for psychic causes of
a disease (see this page). This chart deals with emotional
and mental causes. However, the segment "psychic
attack" should not be taken to mean "black magick" or
"spellworking." It is more likely that the psychic attack
will be a build-up of jealousy, hatred, or a deep desire
for control or punishment that comes from another

The Four Bodies
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