The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

If you suspect that a new food may give you digestive
problems, use your pendulum to find out for certain.
Then sample the food in question in very small
quantities to see what the reaction will be.

You can also use the pendulum to test your physical
reactions to food additives, sweets, or foods you
ordinarily eat. Some of us eat certain foods all our lives
and wonder why we suffer digestive problems. Often, it
is not the food itself, but whatever is added to it or on it.
In determining the negative or positive reaction of your
body to a food, phrase your questions carefully, and be
certain that you cover all possibilities, from additives
and sprays to how the food is cooked and in what.

If you suffer an unpleasant reaction such as bloating
after an ordinary meal, use your pendulum to discover
which food caused the problem. It may even be a
combination of foods. Since the body changes over time,
what you could eat without distress at one time may not
be good for you at a later date or as you age. For
example, you may eat raw onions with impunity until
you reach middle age. Then you might find that you
only can tolerate cooked onions in small amounts.

The pendulum can be a valuable tool in discovering
which vitamins you may need or should eliminate from
your daily health routine. The same divining process can
be used to test herbs.

While you are using the pendulum to test food,
vitamins, or herbs, you should avoid thinking about any
specific theory or health report. This can result in an
incorrect answer. If the mind wanders while dowsing, it
overrides the link you must create with all your senses
and awareness. It divides your focus and breaks the
contact with the subconscious mind.

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