The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Hold the vitamin or herb in one hand while holding
your pendulum in the other. Ask if the vitamin or herb is
helpful to you. If the pendulum answers with a firm No,
you should reconsider keeping the vitamin or herb as
part of your daily regime. If the answer is a Confusion
movement, you need to question further if the substance
reacts negatively when combined with other vitamins or
herbs, or whether it is a supplement that you should not
use on a daily basis, but is fine to use once a week or so.

Even if the pendulum gives you a firm Yes answer,
you need to go a step further and ask if the substances is
one you can take every day, or whether you should skip
days. Never rely on a single answer. You must explore
the full parameters of the product. Also, what your body
needs during one phase of your life may not be
appropriate at another time.

Map and Ground Dowsing

A pendulum is a very versatile tool, good for purposes
beyond divination and healing. It also can be used to
trace underground water lines, storage tanks, earth
energy lines, power spots, or ancient sites. Dowsing for
underground pipes or tanks is nothing new. Although
not highly publicized, this technique was taught to
soldiers in the Vietnam War to help them find
underground bunkers. Since the soldiers did not have
pendulums, they were taught to make L-rods out of bent
coat hangers.

Dowsing for earth energy, water, oil, or minerals is a
process of listening to your intuition. Intuition cannot be
proved in a lab or in a test atmosphere because
"knowing" something intuitively is not provable. The
dowser seems to pick up signals from the earth

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