The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Finding Underground Lines

Beginners in dowsing need to be aware that it is only
running or flowing underground water that makes the
pendulum react. This action can be affected by water or
sewer lines that have running water in them at the time
of the dowsing. This is helpful if you are seeking the
whereabouts of water or sewer lines, but not if you are
seeking a new source of water. If you dowse a piece of
land for water, be sure that you mark out any known
sources of water before you begin.

Many dowsers who use the pendulum to locate
underground pipes use what is known as the Bishop's
Rule. This rule will aid you in determining how deep in
the ground the pipe lies. First, find the pipe and mark
the location. Then ignore the pipe and ask the pendulum
to show you its depth. Slowly walk outward from the
pipe's location until the pendulum responds with a Yes
or positive movement. You must move slowly, as the
pipe can be anywhere from a few inches to a few feet
down. The distance from the pipe should match its
depth. The same principle applies to new and untapped
underground sources of water.

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