The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

Because each dowser is different, the pendulum may
respond by giving you the depth in a different manner.
Some dowsers find that their device will measure the
distance of the depth at half or twice the length walked.
Experience is the only way to judge which works for
you. Personally, I have little luck in determining depth.

Dowsing for Objects and Other


Dowsing for other substances, such as oil or minerals, is
much the same as dowsing for water. The pendulum will
react with a firm, sometimes very rapid, clockwise
circling when the dowser walks over an area that
contains the sought substance. To aid in the search,
some dowsers use the metal pendulum that has a twist-
off top and interior cavity. They will put a small amount
of the sought substance into the pendulum cavity, thus
working on the theory that like substances attract.
Others merely will hold a tiny glass vial of the substance
in their other hand.

There also is another method that can be used for
finding a substance. You may ask the pendulum, "Show
me the direction in which is." This question can
save you time, as the pendulum's method of movement
will help you determine whether you are moving in the
correct direction. You must watch the outer edge of the
pendulum swing for clues. This outer edge of the swing
is called the leading edge by dowsers. If the pendulum
swings forward and backward, you are facing in the
right direction to search for the object. If it swings
clockwise or counterclockwise, turn in the direction of
the swing and try again. Any time you are directly
facing the object sought, the pendulum will swing

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