The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

questions. The questions must be phrased for Yes or No
answers, as in "Am I facing the right direction to find
?" This question requires that you move only
slightly to face a new direction.
Another method, if you know the general area in
which you lost something, is to do a triangulation first.
Then walk slowly in the direction indicated, holding the
pendulum before you. The pendulum will swing in an
oval path, with the leading edge pointing in the correct
direction. When you are directly over the object, the
pendulum swing will change to a circle motion. If you
pass beyond the object, the pendulum will once more
swing in an oval. Some people use this method to find
studs in interior walls or the part of a machine that is
not working properly.

If something is lost within your house, draw a floor
plan of all the rooms. Then use the pendulum over each
room until you find the room containing the lost object.
As with map dowsing, you can point to a room or area
of a room with one finger or a pencil while asking the
pendulum questions. Then go to the chosen room and
ask the pendulum to show you the direction in which
the object lies. Remember to move only a little at a time
as you work your way around a room.

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