The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Floor Plan Dowsing

Map dowsing requires much the same technique as
finding an object within a house. Map dowsing can be
used to find underground water, minerals, or missing
persons. It also can be used to find the general location
of an appropriate house or apartment, if you are
searching for somewhere to move. To begin, you need a
regular map of an area. Using your finger or pencil,
slowly point to various areas on the map until you get a
positive response from the pendulum. You may find that
the pendulum responds to more than one area. After you
have discovered a general area in which you may find
what you are seeking, you need a larger scale map that
has more details. Again, slowly point out various spots
in the larger scale map until the pendulum swings in a
positive or Yes motion. You can work the information
down to a specific block or street. However, it is easier
to go to the area and look for yourself at this point. For
example, if you are seeking a house, have a real estate
agent run a check for available houses in that area.

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