The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
Map Dowsing

An experienced map dowser can find anything she/he
sets the mind on. Ordinary maps are useful only for a
wide area dowsing. To find anything in a very specific
place, you will need the largest scale map you can get.
Begin by asking the pendulum if what you seek is on the
map at all. Sometimes what the conscious mind
perceives as the correct area for the object sought is
totally incorrect. A map featuring every road, city block,
or other details is needed to pinpoint the exact locations.
Hold the pendulum over the map with your dowsing
hand while slowly pointing to one small area after
another with a pointer or pen in your other hand. Each
time you move the pen, ask the pendulum again if this
area contains what you seek. When you touch the
correct area, the pendulum will respond with a Yes.

Many people are familiar with the dowsing done
along the ley-lines in England, but are unaware that
these energy lines exist everywhere, encircling the entire

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