The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

earth. It is quite common for underground streams of
water to flow along or very close to these lines. When a
vein of water reaches the surface along one of these
energy lines, it is sometimes called a holy well. Dowsers
call this water "juvenile water," meaning that it does not
go through the evaporation and rain cycle, but bubbles
up from deep within the earth and frequently has high
mineral content.

You can dowse for energy lines by walking slowly
over an area and watching the pendulum movement.
Just keep asking the pendulum to show you where the
energy lines are. Until you gain experience with energy
line dowsing, you should stay away from areas with
underground water or sewage pipes. These can cause
you to misread the pendulum movements. When you are
directly over an earth energy line, the pendulum will
move in a perfect circle.

Dowsing Energy Lines
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