The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1
If you are interested in weather forecasting, dowsing
can be a fun way to pit your skills against those of the
National Weather Bureau. The National Weather
Bureau's accurate prediction rate is actually quite low,
about thirty percent. Get a list of the forecasts for a
number of cities around the country or even around the
world. Then write out a list of the cities you want to
cover. You can dowse for such things as sun, rain,
clouds, or temperatures. Later, you can check your

Dowsing in the Field of Past Lives,

Karma, and Reincarnation

Most major events and relationships in life have a
karmic background. Karma is not all negative, or having
to pay for past mistakes, whether in this life or other
lives. Karma can also be the reaping of just and positive
rewards. Sometimes we return to a relationship
believing that we can help other people pay back karma
or make positive changes in their lives. Too often we
find ourselves in a repetitive situation in which the other
person has no intention of paying back or changing. If
that person's behavior and intent make it clear that
she/he has no plans to repay to you the debts owed, you
must face reality and take steps to remove yourself from
the negative relationship.
Using your pendulum to dowse in the field of karma
and reincarnations will aid you in pinpointing the cause
of problems, whether with yourself and your past lives,
or with others and their past lives. None of us are
blameless when we find ourselves in a negative
situation, based in either this life or a past one. We all
contribute something to every such situation, whether
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