The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

this contribution is deliberate or passive. We can turn
these events into positive energy only when we take
responsibility to look truthfully at things and do
something to better ourselves.
Often we need to look at our own past lives and worry
less about others' influence on us. Every life is composed
of what went before, just as what occurred in childhood
may be the basis for the way we act later. Frequently,
these past lives influence us subconsciously as to the
manner in which we react to certain people or
experiences, the importance or unimportance that we
assign to ourselves, and many of our personality quirks.
You can use your pendulum to open doors to past
lives if you are careful in how you word your questions
and keep your desires and emotions out of it. Never
dowse for past lives with a particular destination in
mind. This mental frame of mind will be certain to give
you false answers. Also, do not fall into the trap of
thinking you were someone famous or important in past
lives. The vast majority of people were those who subtly
influenced history by their common, everyday lives and
decisions, not the people recorded by history as famous.
The chart of past lives dates will help you to
determine where the present influences are coming from
in your past, if you ask, "What time period is the biggest
influence in my present life?" These dates are divided
into two charts to make it easier for the inquirer to use.
Alternatively, you may use the charts to answer such
questions as "When did I live my last life?" or "When
did I live a past life with (name)?"

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