The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

family or a specific person was in that life. The chart of
karmic relationship will aid in getting such an answer.
Often this answer helps a person understand why there
are difficulties or unpleasantness in dealing with certain
people in her/his life. Just because the pendulum
indicates that a specific person was a spouse in a prior
life does not mean she/he is the perfect spouse this time.
The person may have been cruel, unfaithful, or had
addictions, some or all of which may surface in this life.
Also, a perfect and loving relationship in one life may
not be so perfect and loving this time. People change,
that is the nature and meaning of karma. That is why I
do not believe that "soul mates" are particularly
associated with past relationships. What worked in a
relationship long ago may well not work at all now.

A "soul mate" is a person who is the perfect
complement to you in any given lifetime. Sometimes
she/he does appear out of a past relationship, but more
often she/he has changed and evolved into that perfect
niche through lifetimes of casual acquaintance and life
trials. It also is possible for there to be more than one
"soul mate" available in a lifetime.

Past Life Karmic Relationships Chart
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