The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

CINNAMON Protection; healing; prosperity; stimulates;

FRANKINCENSE Protection; purification; exorcism; raises

JASMINE Love; prosperity.

JUNIPER Protection; especially from accidents; repels

thieves; attracts a lover.

LAVENDER Purification; protection; love; helps to reveal

ghosts; aids in sleep.

LEMON Purification; aids in prophecy and divination.

LOTUS Fertility; visions; helps with magick.

MYRRH Protection; purification; blesses an environment;

helps with exorcisms.

PATCHOULI Attracts love and passion; protection; aids in

clairvoyance and divination.

ROSE Attracts love; fertility; clairvoyance; aids sleep.

SAGE Purification; healing; prosperity.

SANDALWOOD Removes fears; protection; purification of an

atmosphere; healing.

SWEETGRASS Purification; brings blessings.

The gemstone chart (see this page) is divided into
seven charts for greater ease in divining. Use these

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