The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

OTTER Recovering from a crisis; enjoying life; learning to

OWL Seeing through illusion; guidance in matters of
dreams and astral travel; discovering hidden truth and

PORCUPINE/HEDGEHOG Building protective barriers that

discourage enemies.

RAVEN Learning divination techniques; transformation;
wisdom; creating or dealing with a change in

SNAKE Facing your fears; connecting with psychic energy

and spiritual initiation.

SPIDER Creativity; new life; industrious; patiently awaiting

for opportunities; beginning a new project.

SQUIRREL Preparing for the future; moving to a higher

level of consciousness.

SWAN Understanding dream symbols; spiritual
evolvement; development of the intuition; keeping a
serene exterior while dealing with private turmoil.

TURTLE/TORTOISE Developing patience and perseverance;

giving yourself permission to slow down and enjoy life.

UNICORN Building individual power; gaining wisdom that

will lead to success.

WEASEL Using cunning; stealth, and ingenuity to overcome


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