The Big Little Book of Magick

(Barry) #1

by physicians or hospitals), more than 60 percent of
people believe in using alternative medicine, prayer,
and/or magick along with orthodox medicine. Whenever
the general populace questions enough about methods of
healing, accepted techniques begin to change.
Fortunately, more doctors and medical centers are
becoming open to alternative healing methods.
The connection between healing and magick was a
valid and successful concept from the beginning of the
human race. The separation began when the healers of
later cultures condemned magick as an invalid practice
and separated it from healing.
The original definition of magick was not the same as
the corrupted meaning attached to the word today.
Don't bother to look up the word in any dictionary, as
they only give the meaning attached to stage magicians.
The true meaning of magick is to draw universal,
spiritual energy from the Otherworld, mold it by
concentrated thought into a specific desire, and release
that energy-thought into this world to manifest. This
definition applies to strong prayer as well as to magickal
Many people who apply healing prayers to illnesses
call the positive results miracles. Miracles have nothing
to do with scientific reason or what a person supposedly
does or doesn't deserve. This places miraculous events in
the same category as the results that magick produces.
In magick, the healer should never question whether the
recipient is worthy of healing, but work on the belief
that all humans are worthy of healing. The condition of
each person's soul and what they do or don't deserve is
between each individual and the Goddess/God. Miracles,
whether by prayer or magick, don't have to make sense

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